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& more opportunities at one place 🚀


Our Offerings

Student Opportunities

There is no substitute for hands-on experience, but for most students, real-world tools can be cost prohibitive. Here you can find all Student programs like, Student Ambassadors programs, Hackathons, Coding Competitions, etc.


Developer Opportunities

Are you a Developer? or want to start a career in Development, then this is the right place. You can find all Developer opportunities like, Coding Sites, Coding Competitions, Developer jobs, etc and obviously all the available student opportunities also.

Internships & more

OneDevPlace can help you find good Internships Websites, Internships/Externships for students and developers. This site consists of a list of good Internships, Research Internships, Externships opportunities.


👋 From The Founder

Founder Image

Tarun Singh

Hello Everyone, its great to see you to our platform! I hope you have found the opportunity you were looking for. believe that every student should have access to a diverse range of opportunities that can shape their academic and professional journey. That's why I founded OneDevPlace, a platform dedicated to connecting students, developers, and women with valuable programs that can enhance their skills and open doors to exciting opportunities.

Our platform serves as a centralized hub, bringing together a wide array of resources and initiatives, including campus ambassador programs, internships, programming websites, hackathons, women-specific programs, and open-source projects. We understand the importance of empowering students and developers to thrive in their fields, and we are committed to providing the necessary support and guidance along the way.

Our platform features a user-friendly interface also provide regular updates and notifications to keep you informed about new opportunities.
Thank you for joining OneDevPlace and being a part of our mission to empower students, developers, and women in their educational and professional pursuits. Together, let's unlock the doors to endless possibilities and create a brighter future for all.

Tarun Singh
Founder of OneDevPlace

Ex Technical Writer-

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